
SESLAB performs training activities under FMV Işık University, Department of Economics. Department of Economics and SESLAB, both on courses in undergraduate and graduate level and on technical and training activities oriented toward firms, assists students develop an extensive understanding by discussing the socio-economic, political, and technological aspects of the mutual relations between human and nature from a broad-based and multidisciplinary perspective. In this way, it becomes possible to evaluate the issues regarding principles and applications of sustainable development in a deeper and richer fashion compared to conventional one-dimensional perspective. In undergraduate level, in Environmental Economics and Energy Economics courses, contemporary economic policies are discussed within the confines of global boundaries using microeconomic and macroeconomic models of ecological economics. The significance of addressing environmental issues as development issues is examined in the framework of different study areas of economics in the courses on EU Economics, International Economics, Labor Economics, International Finance, and Turkish Economy. Students are given the chance to enrich themselves with the skills and competencies necessary toward an academic career and beyond by encouraging creative and critical thinking at the graduate level with the classes offered that focus on sustainability and green economics under the MA program of Applied Economics. Through subject topics like circular economy, renewable energy, climate policy, emissions trading, urban agriculture, water safety, and waste management, an understanding of sustainability is created in a theoretical framework. All of these areas are then examined from an application-wise perspective. The goal of graduate-level coursework is to integrate academic learning with the growth of interpersonal and professional competencies. The training is geared toward firms, parent industrial associations, non-governmental organizations, and K–12 schools, and it consists of more technical content that is tailored to the needs and, if necessary, is based on market and/or industrial models. Training programs on renewable energy markets, economic indicators, green employment, technology, and the environment are designed for firms operating in various industries and parent industrial associations. Training programs on the circular economy, climate justice, access to water and sanitation, and the goals of sustainable development are designed for businesses operating in various industries and parent industrial associations. For more information, you may contact us via